Archive for the ‘Networking’ Category

Networking 2.0 – The Art of Making Connections

May 27, 2008

I’m deviating a bit from the incentive, compensation and sales performance management topics to talk about professional networking. I was invited by a Canadian Heritage Network (Generaction) to be a keynote speaker at an event next Thursday (May 29, 2008) in Ottawa. The topic of my presentation is “Networking 2.0 – The Art of Making Connections“. You can download my Power Point presentation here.

The main areas I will address include how to build, maintain and use a professional network. It sounds simple, but I will provide many useful tips and best practices on networking strategies and networking mistakes to avoid. I will also discuss how online social networking can be used to stay connected with your network.

I listed 3 good books about networking in my presentation deck. Here are the links to their author’s website:
I hope to see you on Thursday.